
Using core svn feature is deprecated. You should use SVN plugin instead.

Importing an existing Subversion repository in Tuleap

How to properly install a project team’s existing SVN repository into the project specific repository.

It is important to understand that each project has its own SVN repository. This root dir is created and initialized by Tuleap whenever a new project is registered. Its name is /svnroot/projectname or /var/lib/tuleap/svn_plugin/<project_id>/<repo_name> if you use SVN plugin.

The real work

  • The project must exist (created, and approved by administrators).

  • The project team should provide a dump of the existing Subversion repository. To create an SVN dump please use the following command (Unix/Linux):

    svnadmin dump /path_to_svn_root > svn_dumpfile
  • Ask the team to copy the dump file on the Tuleap server, e.g.:

    scp svn_dumpfile
  • then a site administrator needs to load the repository content into the existing repository on Tuleap. Note that the directory can be a bit different if you use the SVN plugin (/var/lib/tuleap/svn_plugin/<project_id>/<repo_name>):

    svnadmin load /svnroot/projectname < /home/groups/projectname/new_svn_dumpfile
  • Then, don’t forget to set proper Unix ownership on the repository:

    chown -R codendiadm.projectname /svnroot/projectname
  • If the existing repository had specific permissions or hooks, it is now time to copy the corresponding files on the new repository. This can be done by the project team.

  • History can be imported into the Tuleap database, this is possible with

    perl /usr/share/tuleap/src/utils/svn/ -p /svnroot/myproject/ -r r1:r2
  • Once the team has tested the new repository, you can remove the dump file from /home/groups/projectname/svn_dumpfile.

You’re done!

Merging multiple repositories

It is possible to merge several repositories by using script. One must first get local copy of all repositories to merge into the Tuleap project repository, then issue the following command:

perl -t /var/lib/tuleap/svnroot/project_name/ \
    /local/path/to/repo1/:target_path_for_src1 \

Clean-up a Subversion repository

Sometimes a user might ask you to clean-up a SVN repository because he made mistakes in the import for instance. Here is how to partially do it:

Delete (or archive) the SVN repository:

tar cfz /var/tmp/projname_svn.tgz /svnroot/projname
rm -rf /svnroot/projname

Then you need to clean-up the entries in the DB:

  • Get the repostory id from svn_repositories table.

  • Manually execute this command

    DELETE FROM svn_commits WHERE repositoryid =your_repo_id;

WARNING: This will remove visible entries, but will keep “zombie” entries in svn_checkins, svn_dirs and svn_files