Tuleap File Structure

Web site

The Tuleap Web front end files are all under /usr/share/tuleap. Except where otherwise specified, this directory and all the files and directories under it belong to user.group: codendiadm.codendiadm (rwxr-xr-x)

CVS Repositories

/var/lib/tuleap/cvsroot and link from /cvsroot

The CVS repositories of all Tuleap projects are created under the /var/lib/tuleap/cvsroot directory. This directory is linked from /cvsroot in the top directory. /var/lib/tuleap/ProjectName is the CVS repository of project ProjectName. By default all files belong to user nobody and group ProjectName. File permission is read only (r–r–r–) for files, while directories are user and group writable (rwxrwxr-x). This is defined by CVS and must not be touched.

By default, CVS servers on Tuleap are configured to perform all transactions through the pserver protocol. Tuleap can be tuned to use the ssh tunnelling protocol.

Exceptions to these rules are:

  • CVS files that correspond to executables for which we want the executable flags to be preserved when the file is checked out of the CVS repository must have the executable flag set
  • (GNU CVS only) The CVS lock dir is created in /var/lock/cvs/ProjectName. It is world writable (drwxrwxrwx) so that all users even those not part of the project team can checkout a working copy of the CVS tree.
  • The CVS repository for each project is owned by the user codendiadm. This allows the CVS web interface, which implements its own access control, to access the directory even if the directory is not world readable.
  • For private projects and public projects that set the CVS reposiotry to be private, the CVS repository is NOT world readable (drwxrwx—). It is only user and group readable because the sources must be invisible to non project members.

Ability to commit changes to the CVS repository from a working copy is controlled by the CVSROOT/readers and CVSROOT/writers files. Those users in the writers file (all project members as of today) can commit changes to the CVS repository. Project administrators who wants to prevent some project members to commit changes in the project CVS repository should add the corresponding login names in the readers file (the writers file must not be touched).

Subversion Repositories

/var/lib/tuleap/svnroot and link from /svnroot

The Subversion repositories of all Tuleap projects are created under the /var/lib/tuleap/svnroot directory. This directory is linked from /svnroot in the top directory. /var/lib/tuleap/svnroot/ProjectName is the Subversion repository of project ProjectName. As opposed to CVS, Subversion manages the repository in a database acting as a virtual filesystem. Therefore access permission do not rely on the Linux file system permission but are directly defined and managed through the Subversion database. Project members and non project members permission can be defined through the Web interface of the Tuleap Subversion service.

Beside the virtual file system managed in the Subversion databases there are a number of files installed on the Linux file system that you must know about:

  • /svnroot/ProjectName/.SVNAccessFile: this file holds the definition of the access permission for a given Subversion repository. We highly recommend that you do not modify this file by hand but rather use the Web interface of the Tuleap Subversion service to do so.
  • /svnroot/ProjectName/hooks/post-commit: this hook file is installed by Tuleap in order to feed the Tuleap database with a number of information about all your Subversion transactions. This is the so called Subversion tracking feature that a project administrator can active or deactivate from the Web interface of the Tuleap Subversion service. This file must not be modified or removed. Other hook scripts can be used by the project team if they have a shell account available on the server.

Log files


The directory where log files used for statistics are archived. Archiving takes place each day.


File name pattern: cvs_traffic_YYYYMMDD.log

A daily log of the CVS history files for all Tuleap projects. The script /usr/share/tuleap/src/utils/cvs1/cvs_history_parse.pl ``runs daily and is responsible for extracting the CVS log information of that day for all ``/cvsroot/ProjectName/CVSROOT/history file and assemble them all in a single log file.

This global log file is later processed by the script /usr/share/tuleap/src/utils/underworld-root/db_stats_cvs_history.pl which feeds the Tuleap database with statistical figures about the CVS activity of each project (like the number of CVS checkout/add/commit counters appearing on the Welcome Web page of the Tuleap CVS service )

. /hostname/Year/Month

File name pattern: vhosts-access_YYYYMMDD.log

This file contains the combined Apache access logs for all the Tuleap projects Virtual Web servers (also know as the project web sites). This is a simple daily copy of the Apache log file /var/log/httpd/vhosts-access_log. that is later analyzed to feed the Tuleap database with statistical data about the project Web site activity. These files are generated daily by the logrotate script of Apache (see Log files section)

. /Year/Month/

File name pattern: http_combined_YYYYMMDD.log

This file contains the combined access logs to the main Tuleap Web site. They are generated daily by the logrotate script of Apache (see Log files section). It is basically a copy of the /var/log/httpd/access_log file

File name pattern: ftp_xferlog_YYYYMMDD.log

This file contains the ftp access logs (upload and download) to the Tuleap site. It is generated daily by the logrotate script of ftp (see Log files section). It is basically a copy of the FTP log file /var/log/xferlog.

Dump files


As we will see later in this document there is a bunch of background script running on Tuleap on a regular basis. The default frequency if once every other hours. The first thing these scripts do is to extract a number of information from the Tuleap database and dump in a various text files to exploit them in the next stages.

Files found in this directory are

  • db_top_groups_calc_output: contains different sorts of statistics about the Tuleap hosted projects (project name, old project rank in terms of total number of downloads, old project rank in terms of number of downloads this past week, user rank - unused-, rank in terms of total number of forum posting this past week, total number of download, new rank of the projects in terms of number of downloads, …
  • group_dump: group (project) name dump with project ID, users belonging to the project and the project status (Active, Suspended, Deleted)
  • list_dump: dump of all the mailing lists created by the Tuleap projects along with the email of the administrator and the default admin password for the list.

User directories


Each registered user has her own Unix account created and the home directory that goes with it. This user home directory is owned by UserName.UserName and has access permission rwxr-xr-x. This can be changed by the user if she wants to set access permission differently. There currently is no space quota on users home directories.

Project Directories


Each Tuleap hosted project has its own project directory. When this directory is initialized a minimal directory structure is created to host the Project Web Site. Two sub-directories are created:

  • htdocs : this is where all html, shmtl, php,…. file should go (Apache Virtual Server Document Root)
  • private : this is a private directoy that is only accessible to project members

These directories all have the group setuid bit set. On Linux this ensures that files created under this directory by a group member are automatically created with the right group ownership. The reason for that is because a user can belong to several Tuleap projects and therefore he can be a member of several Unix groups. If the setuid bit wasn’t used it would be the responsibility of the user to change its working group with the newgrp command when going from one project directory to another. This would be of course error prone.

File Release Space


This is where all the uploaded files associated with a given release of project ProjectName are actually stored. Normally neither the Tuleap Administration Team nor the Project Admin Team should mess up with this area by hand using their shell account. Files are deposited here by the fileforge utility. This directory belongs to the project group ID of course and it is group writable.


The FTP incoming directory is used by the project members to upload the software packages to be associated with new software releases in the Tuleap File Release Service. This is a temporary storage area as the uploaded files move to the final release space /var/lib/tuleap/ftp/tuleap/ProjectName (see above) when a new software release is created.

Remark: There is a script in the root crontab that removes all the files older than 2 weeks from this directory. The reason we do that is because this zone is shared by all the projects and we don’t want that ghost files stay here for too long.

FTP Space


This is the anonymous FTP space assigned to project ProjectName at creation time. It can be used by the project team for any purpose (well… of course it must have something to do with the project). Ownership is dummy.ProjectName and permission drwxrwxr-x)

Log Files

/var/log/messages This is the general purpose log files used by the Linux operating system. What goes in there is defined in /etc/syslog.conf
/var/log/maillog This is where all the log messages related to mail activities go. All sendmail messages for message sent and received are stored in this file.

Log file rotation

Linux has the ability to automatically rotate the log files to prevent them from growing indefinitely. The logrotate utility is ran everyday at 23:58pm (EST time) as defined in /etc/crontab. Note that this is different from the crontab file of the root user that is used to run the Tuleap daemon scripts.

The logrotate configuration files located in /etc/logrotate.d/apache and /etc/logrotate.d/vsftpd.log have been customized for Tuleap. The customization consists in the execution of a post rotation script that makes a daily copy of the log files in the Tuleap log files area as described in the Log files section.