Full Installation¶
Why should I use the Tuleap full installation?¶
The full installation is the common way to install tuleap. It uses your distribution package system and will provide a fully configurable and adjustable environment. It is robust so you can deploy production environment this way.
To install Tuleap you will need a fully dedicated server. It can be virtualized or physical. It is not recommended to install Tuleap on a server that hosts other applications. Tuleap provides a full suite of software and is deeply integrated with its host system. Installing Tuleap on a mutualized server will certainly cause probleme in both Tuleap and your other applications.
- Tuleap can be installed on the following Linux x86_64 systems:
- CentOS or RedHat 7.x is the recommended platform.
- CentOS or RedHat 6.x is still available but not advised for production installation. See dedicated guide.
You must disable SELinux prior to the install.
The server will need an Internet connection as it will download external packages.
This configure the dependencies and download RPM packages
- Install EPEL You will need EPEL for some dependencies.
yum install -y epel-release
- If you use Red Hat, you will need to activate the Optional channel
- Install the Software Collections repositories
On CentOS this is done by:
yum install centos-release-scl
On RedHat this is done by:
yum-config-manager --enable rhel-server-rhscl-7-rpms
- Install remi-safe repository (needed for PHP dependencies):
yum install https://rpms.remirepo.net/enterprise/remi-release-7.rpm
You can find find more information about the installation of the remi-safe repository on the Remi’s RPM repositories Repository Configuration page.
- Install Tuleap repositories Create a /etc/yum.repos.d/Tuleap.repo with this content:
- Install Tuleap by running the following command:
yum install -y \
rh-mysql57-mysql-server \
tuleap \
tuleap-plugin-agiledashboard \
tuleap-plugin-graphontrackers \
tuleap-theme-burningparrot \
tuleap-theme-flamingparrot \
tuleap-plugin-git \
You can install more plugins, see the whole list on the plugin list page. However you don’t have to install all of them now. Start small and add them on the go.
- Configure the database
Ensure that /etc/opt/rh/rh-mysql57/my.cnf.d/rh-mysql57-mysql-server.cnf
in section [mysqld]
# Add 'sql-mode' parameter after [mysqld]
sed -i '20 a sql-mode=NO_AUTO_CREATE_USER,NO_ENGINE_SUBSTITUTION' /etc/opt/rh/rh-mysql57/my.cnf.d/rh-mysql57-mysql-server.cnf
# Activate mysql on boot
systemctl enable rh-mysql57-mysqld
# Start it
systemctl start rh-mysql57-mysqld
# Set a password
scl enable rh-mysql57 "mysqladmin -u root password"
Please do not repeat this step twice. This script should only be executed once. If you have any errors in the previous steps, be sure to fix those before continuing.
As root, run:
/usr/share/tuleap/tools/setup.el7.sh \
--configure \
--server-name=FQDN \
--mysql-server=localhost \
- FQND being the name of the server as you access it on your network (localhost for a local test, tuleap.example.com with a DNS entry if you only have an IP address)
- XXXXX being the password of root password of the db configured earlier.
- Ensure the firewall is properly configured. Open needed ports:
- Web (TCP/80 & TCP/443)
- SSH (git, admin): TCP/22
Mail configuration¶
Tuleap interacts with Postfix to process mails. The following lines should be uncommented/modified in the main Postfix configuration file generally located in /etc/postfix/main.cf:
myhostname = mytuleap.domainname.example.com
alias_maps = hash:/etc/aliases,hash:/etc/aliases.codendi
alias_database = hash:/etc/aliases,hash:/etc/aliases.codendi
recipient_delimiter = +
First connection¶
Once these steps are completed, you can access the Tuleap server with the web interface. Go to your Tuleap domain name (e.g. https://tuleap.example.com
Default site administrator credentials can be found in /root/.tuleap_passwd
. Store it securely and delete the file as soon as possible.
Backups are under your responsibility so you probably want to take a look at the Backup/Restore guide.
Next steps¶
Once you have a fully running Tuleap you can start using it: issue tracking, source code management, agile planning and more.
Checkout our tutorials and videos on Getting started page.