Upgrade to a newer version

You should inform in advance end users that the platform will be stopped. It can be done through mass mail engine and with a side-wide banner.

Check for upgrade

As root, run:

yum check-update tuleap\*

Note: you can update only the tuleap part (tuleap*) but we highly recommend you to upgrade the whole OS on regular basis.


You should always read the deployment guide instructions before upgrading.

On RHEL/CentOS 7, run as root:

# Stop service
systemctl stop tuleap
systemctl stop nginx
systemctl stop httpd

# Upgrade packages
yum update
# or to upgrade only Tuleap packages (/!\ you might miss security fixes in Tuleap dependencies):
# yum update tuleap\*

# Apply data upgrades
/usr/lib/forgeupgrade/bin/forgeupgrade --config=/etc/tuleap/forgeupgrade/config.ini update

# Re-generate nginx configuration
/usr/share/tuleap/tools/utils/php72/run.php --module=nginx

# Restart service
systemctl start httpd
systemctl start nginx
systemctl start tuleap

On RHEL/CentOS 6, run as root:

# Stop service
service tuleap stop
service nginx stop
service httpd stop

# Upgrade packages
yum update
# or to upgrade only Tuleap packages (/!\ you might miss security fixes in Tuleap dependencies):
# yum update tuleap\*

# Apply data upgrades
/usr/lib/forgeupgrade/bin/forgeupgrade --config=/etc/tuleap/forgeupgrade/config.ini update

# Re-generate nginx configuration
/usr/share/tuleap/tools/utils/php72/run.php --module=nginx

# Restart service
service httpd start
service nginx start
service tuleap start

Do not forget to execute the forgeupgrade command, no warnings should be displayed in the site administration about it (as Site Admin go in Admin > Plugin Administration).

Enjoy all your new features!