Various examples¶
In this section you will find utilization example of REST routes.
POST /artifacts¶
Here an example of artifact created with some artifact typed links:
“values” sent are the same for POST /artifacts and PUT artifacts/{id}
"tracker": {
"id": 81
"values": [
"field_id": 1796,
"value": "test"
"field_id": 1809,
"links": [
{"id": 122, "type": "_is_child"},
{"id": 123, "type": "custom"}
Retrieve artifact attachment¶
The following javascript snippet shows how we can retrieve the content of a file attached in an artifact. Assuming that the file is an image, this can be run in the console of a recent browser like Chrome or Firefox (don’t forget to update the base url, file id, and credentials).
(async () => {
const base_url = '';
const file_id = 1;
const access_key = 'tlp-k1-22.3329b8ac4401eaf03cf7776d6bab1809883624eef7a2e2dd2dc4d07696d32504';
const file_content = await getFileContentRecursively(file_id);
async function getFileContentRecursively(file_id, offset = 0) {
console.log(`getFileContentRecursively (offset = ${offset})`);
const init = {
method: 'GET',
headers: new Headers({
'Content-type': 'application/json',
'X-Auth-AccessKey': access_key
mode: 'cors'
const response = await fetch(`${base_url}/artifact_files/${file_id}?offset=${offset}`, init);
const json = await response.json();
const encoded_chunk =;
const decoded_chunk = atob(encoded_chunk);
const limit = parseInt(response.headers.get('X-Pagination-Limit'), 10);
const size = parseInt(response.headers.get('X-Pagination-Size'), 10);
if (offset + limit < size) {
console.log('There are remaining chunks to fetch');
const remaining_file = await getFileContentRecursively(file_id, offset + limit);
return decoded_chunk + remaining_file;
return decoded_chunk;
function saveTheFileSomewhere(file_content) {
// For the demo, instead of saving the file, we display it in the browser
console.log('Building an image with the binary content we just received');
const img = new Image();
img.src = 'data:image/png;base64;,' + btoa(file_content);
console.log('Attaching the image element at the end of the body');
POST /svn¶
Repository creation and settings definition can be done in REST API.
"project_id": 122,
"name" : "repo01",
"settings": {
"commit_rules": {
"is_reference_mandatory": true,
"is_commit_message_change_allowed": false
PUT /svn/{id}¶
When you update an artifact you must provide all settings, for instance if you want to allow commit message change you should provide following information to the route:
"settings": {
"commit_rules": {
"is_reference_mandatory": true ,
"is_commit_message_change_allowed": true
"immutable_tags": {
"paths": [],
"whitelist": []
"access_file": "",
"email_notifications": []
DELETE /artifacts/{id}¶
Delete the corresponding artifact.
- Some rule are specific to this route:
- only trackers administrators can delete artifacts
- there is a limitation of how many artifacts you can delete by day (sliding windows of 24h)
- limit is set by platform administrators and is common for all projects
- if plugin archive deleted items is enabled, XML is archived